How to Flash&Booting my own jetson nx module

  1. Refer to the official document of Nvidia Jetson, we developed a board for using Jetson NX core board.
  2. The question is that we can not use micro usb detecting the NVidia Corp:
    first we test the function of flashed core board on our developement board, and everything is ok,
    then we link the FC_REC and GND of our developement board, use the micro usb to connect PC,
    finally, when we use ‘$ lsusb’, there is no 'Bus 001 Device 008: ID 0955:7e19 NVidia Corp. ', and can not continue flashing.
  3. question:
    Is there anything in under board ( under the core board ) of Jetson NX Module for flashing?
    Or is there any suggestion for developing a underboard?