参考P3768_A04原理图自己修改设计的orin NX 底板,核心板装上后不开机,无法进入系统。附件为串口打印信息,以及自己修改后的原理图。

MB.pdf (1.3 MB)
hXr6eNZg3mMorYr4oliz1Dkp3.txt) (24.0 KB)
[0000.066] I> MB1 (version:
[0000.071] I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347) Prod
[0000.076] I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
[0000.079] I> Entry timestamp: 0x00000000
[0000.083] I> last_boot_error: 0x0
[0000.086] I> BR-BCT: preprod_dev_sign: 0
[0000.090] I> rst_source: 0x16, rst_level: 0x1
[0000.094] I> Task: SE error check
[0000.097] I> Task: Bootchain select WAR set
[0000.101] I> Task: Enable SLCG
[0000.104] I> Task: CRC check
[0000.107] I> Task: Initialize MB2 params
[0000.111] I> MB2-params @ 0x40060000
[0000.114] I> Task: Crypto init
[0000.117] I> Task: Perform MB1 KAT tests
[0000.121] I> Task: NVRNG health check
[0000.125] I> NVRNG: Health check success
[0000.129] I> Task: MSS Bandwidth limiter settings for iGPU clients
[0000.135] I> Task: Enabling and initialization of Bandwidth limiter
[0000.141] I> No request to configure MBWT settings for any PC!
[0000.146] I> Task: Secure debug controls
[0000.150] I> Task: strap war set
[0000.153] I> Task: Initialize SOC Therm
[0000.157] I> Task: Program NV master stream id
[0000.161] I> Task: Verify boot mode
[0000.167] I> Task: Alias fuses
[0000.170] W> FUSE_ALIAS: Fuse alias on production fused part is not supported.
[0000.177] I> Task: Print SKU type
[0000.180] I> FUSE_OPT_CCPLEX_CLUSTER_DISABLE = 0x00000007
[0000.186] I> FUSE_OPT_GPC_DISABLE = 0x00000002
[0000.190] I> FUSE_OPT_TPC_DISABLE = 0x000000f0
[0000.194] I> FUSE_OPT_DLA_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.199] I> FUSE_OPT_PVA_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.203] I> FUSE_OPT_NVENC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.207] I> FUSE_OPT_NVDEC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.212] I> FUSE_OPT_FSI_DISABLE = 0x00000001
[0000.216] I> FUSE_OPT_EMC_DISABLE = 0x00000000
[0000.229] I> FUSE_OPT_ADC_CAL_FUSE_REV = 0x2
[0000.233] I> FUSE_SKU_INFO_0 = 0xd3
[0000.236] I> FUSE_OPT_SAMPLE_TYPE_0 = 0x3 PS
[0000.240] I> FUSE_PACKAGE_INFO_0 = 0x2
[0000.244] I> SKU: Prod
[0000.246] I> Task: Boost clocks
[0000.249] I> Initializing PLLC2 for AXI_CBB.
[0000.253] I> AXI_CBB : src = 35, divisor = 0
[0000.257] I> Task: Voltage monitor
[0000.261] I> VMON: Vmon re-calibration and fine tuning done
[0000.266] I> Task: UPHY init
[0000.271] I> HSIO UPHY init done
[0000.274] W> Skipping GBE UPHY config
[0000.277] I> Task: Boot device init
[0000.281] I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
[0000.285] I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
[0000.289] I> QSPI Flash: Macronix 64MB
[0000.293] I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
[0000.297] I> Task: TSC init
[0000.300] I> Task: Load membct
[0000.303] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.306] I> Loading MEMBCT
[0000.309] I> Slot: 1
[0000.311] I> Binary[0] block-66816 (partition size: 0x40000)
[0000.316] I> Binary name: MEM-BCT-0
[0000.320] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.324] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.328] I> strt_pg_num(66816) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x40050000)
[0000.334] I> BCH of MEM-BCT-0 read from storage
[0000.338] I> BCH address is : 0x40050000
[0000.342] I> MEM-BCT-0 header integrity check is success
[0000.347] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MEM0
[0000.352] I> component binary type is 0
[0000.356] I> strt_pg_num(66832) num_of_pgs(115) read_buf(0x40040000)
[0000.363] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary is read from storage
[0000.368] I> MEM-BCT-0 binary integrity check is success
[0000.373] I> Binary MEM-BCT-0 loaded successfully at 0x40040000 (0xe580)
[0000.379] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.385] I> RAM_CODE 0x4000401
[0000.388] I> Task: Load Page retirement list
[0000.393] I> Task: SDRAM params override
[0000.396] I> Task: Save mem-bct info
[0000.400] I> Task: Carveout allocate
[0000.403] I> RCM blob carveout will not be allocated
[0000.408] I> Update CCPLEX IST carveout from MB1-BCT
[0000.413] I> ECC region[0]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.417] I> ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.421] I> ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.426] I> ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.430] I> ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.434] I> Non-ECC region[0]: Start:0x80000000, End:0x480000000
[0000.440] I> Non-ECC region[1]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.445] I> Non-ECC region[2]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.449] I> Non-ECC region[3]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.454] I> Non-ECC region[4]: Start:0x0, End:0x0
[0000.465] I> allocated(CO:43) base:0x47c000000 size:0x4000000 align: 0x200000
[0000.472] I> allocated(CO:39) base:0x479e00000 size:0x2200000 align: 0x10000
[0000.479] I> allocated(CO:20) base:0x476000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.486] I> allocated(CO:24) base:0x474000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.493] I> allocated(CO:28) base:0x472000000 size:0x2000000 align: 0x2000000
[0000.500] I> allocated(CO:22) base:0x478000000 size:0x1000000 align: 0x1000000
[0000.507] I> allocated(CO:35) base:0x479000000 size:0xe00000 align: 0x10000
[0000.514] I> allocated(CO:02) base:0x471800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.521] I> allocated(CO:03) base:0x471000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.528] I> allocated(CO:06) base:0x470800000 size:0x800000 align: 0x800000
[0000.535] I> allocated(CO:56) base:0x470000000 size:0x800000 align: 0x200000
[0000.542] I> allocated(CO:07) base:0x46fc00000 size:0x400000 align: 0x400000
[0000.549] I> allocated(CO:33) base:0x46f800000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000
[0000.556] I> allocated(CO:23) base:0x46f600000 size:0x200000 align: 0x200000
[0000.563] I> allocated(CO:01) base:0x46f500000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.570] I> allocated(CO:05) base:0x46f400000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.577] I> allocated(CO:08) base:0x46f300000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.583] I> allocated(CO:09) base:0x46f200000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.590] I> allocated(CO:15) base:0x46f100000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.597] I> allocated(CO:17) base:0x46f000000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.604] I> allocated(CO:27) base:0x46ef00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.611] I> allocated(CO:42) base:0x46ee00000 size:0x100000 align: 0x100000
[0000.618] I> allocated(CO:54) base:0x46ed80000 size:0x80000 align: 0x80000
[0000.625] I> allocated(CO:34) base:0x46ed70000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.632] I> allocated(CO:72) base:0x46eb70000 size:0x200000 align: 0x10000
[0000.639] I> allocated(CO:47) base:0x46e600000 size:0x400000 align: 0x200000
[0000.645] I> allocated(CO:48) base:0x46eb50000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000
[0000.652] I> allocated(CO:69) base:0x46eb30000 size:0x20000 align: 0x10000
[0000.659] I> allocated(CO:49) base:0x46eb20000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.666] I> allocated(CO:50) base:0x46eb10000 size:0x10000 align: 0x10000
[0000.673] I> NSDRAM base: 0x80000000, end: 0x46eb70000, size: 0x3eeb70000
[0000.679] I> Task: Thermal check
[0000.682] I> max_chip_limit = 105
[0000.685] I> min_chip_limit = -28
[0000.689] I> max temp read = 39
[0000.692] I> min temp read = 37
[0000.695] I> Task: Update FSI SCR with thermal fuse data
[0000.700] I> Task: Enable WDT 5th expiry
[0000.703] I> Task: I2C register
[0000.706] I> Task: Set I2C bus freq
[0000.710] I> Task: Reset FSI
[0000.712] I> Task: Pinmux init
[0000.716] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240008
[0000.720] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240000
[0000.724] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240010
[0000.728] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240018
[0000.731] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240020
[0000.735] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240030
[0000.739] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240028
[0000.743] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240038
[0000.747] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240040
[0000.751] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9240048
[0000.755] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241000
[0000.759] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241008
[0000.763] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241010
[0000.767] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241018
[0000.771] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241020
[0000.775] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241028
[0000.779] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241030
[0000.783] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241038
[0000.787] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9241040
[0000.791] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242000
[0000.794] I> skipped mmio_addr = 0x9242008
[0000.798] I> Task: Prod config init
[0000.802] I> Task: Pad voltage init
[0000.805] I> Task: Prod init
[0000.808] I> Task: Program rst req config reg
[0000.812] I> Task: Common rail init
[0000.815] I> DONE: Thermal config
[0000.819] W> DEVICE_PROD: module = 13, instance = 4 not found in device prod.
[0000.827] I> DONE: SOC rail config
[0000.831] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: MEMIO rail config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.837] I> DONE: MEMIO rail config
[0000.841] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: GPU rail info not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.847] I> DONE: GPU rail info
[0000.850] W> PMIC_CONFIG: Rail: CV rail info not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.856] I> DONE: CV rail info
[0000.859] I> Task: Mem clock src
[0000.862] I> Task: Misc. board config
[0000.866] I> PMIC_CONFIG: Platform config not found in MB1 BCT.
[0000.872] I> Task: SDRAM init
[0000.875] I> MemoryType: 4 MemBctRevision: 1
[0000.881] I> MSS CAR: PLLM/HUB programming for MemoryType: 4 and MemBctRevision: 1
[0000.889] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLM
[0000.892] I> MSS CAR: Init PLLHUB
[0000.897] I> Encryption: MTS: en, TX: en, VPR: en, GSC: en
[0000.908] I> SDRAM initialized!
[0000.911] I> SDRAM Size in Total 0x400000000
[0000.915] I> Task: Dram Ecc scrub
[0000.918] I> Task: DRAM alias check
[0000.928] I> Task: Program NSDRAM carveout
[0000.932] I> NSDRAM carveout encryption is enabled
[0000.937] I> Program NSDRAM carveout
[0000.940] I> Task: Register checker
[0000.944] I> Task: Enable clock-mon
[0000.948] I> FMON: Fmon re-programming done
[0000.952] I> Task: Mapper init
[0000.955] I> Task: SC7 Context Init
[0000.958] I> Task: CCPLEX IST init
[0000.961] I> Task: CPU WP0
[0000.964] I> Loading MCE
[0000.966] I> Slot: 1
[0000.968] I> Binary[8] block-85760 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0000.974] I> Binary name: MCE
[0000.977] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.981] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0000.985] I> strt_pg_num(85760) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x4003e000)
[0000.991] I> BCH of MCE read from storage
[0000.995] I> BCH address is : 0x4003e000
[0000.999] I> MCE header integrity check is success
[0001.003] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MTSM
[0001.008] I> component binary type is 8
[0001.012] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.016] I> strt_pg_num(85776) num_of_pgs(357) read_buf(0x40000000)
[0001.024] I> MCE binary is read from storage
[0001.028] I> MCE binary integrity check is success
[0001.033] I> Binary MCE loaded successfully at 0x40000000 (0x2c880)
[0001.039] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.050] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.054] I> Sending WP0 mailbox command to PSC
[0001.063] I> Task: XUSB Powergate
[0001.067] I> Skipping powergate XUSB.
[0001.070] I> Task: MB1 fixed firewalls
[0001.076] W> Firewall readback mismatch
[0001.081] I> Task: Load bpmp-fw
[0001.084] I> Slot: 1
[0001.086] I> Binary[15] block-72960 (partition size: 0x180000)
[0001.092] I> Binary name: BPMP_FW
[0001.095] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.099] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.103] I> strt_pg_num(72960) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x807fe000)
[0001.109] I> BCH of BPMP_FW read from storage
[0001.114] I> BCH address is : 0x807fe000
[0001.117] I> BPMP_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.122] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMF
[0001.127] I> component binary type is 15
[0001.131] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.135] I> strt_pg_num(72976) num_of_pgs(1990) read_buf(0x80000000)
[0001.152] I> BPMP_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.159] I> BPMP_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.164] I> Binary BPMP_FW loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0xf8bc0)
[0001.170] I> Slot: 1
[0001.172] I> Binary[16] block-76032 (partition size: 0x400000)
[0001.178] I> Binary name: BPMP_FW_DTB
[0001.181] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.185] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.189] I> strt_pg_num(76032) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x807fc000)
[0001.196] I> BCH of BPMP_FW_DTB read from storage
[0001.200] I> BCH address is : 0x807fc000
[0001.204] I> BPMP_FW_DTB header integrity check is success
[0001.209] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is BPMD
[0001.214] I> component binary type is 16
[0001.218] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.222] I> strt_pg_num(76048) num_of_pgs(490) read_buf(0x807bebf0)
[0001.231] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary is read from storage
[0001.236] I> BPMP_FW_DTB binary integrity check is success
[0001.241] I> Binary BPMP_FW_DTB loaded successfully at 0x807bebf0 (0x3d2c0)
[0001.248] I> Task: BPMP fw ast config
[0001.252] I> Task: Load psc-fw
[0001.255] I> Slot: 1
[0001.257] I> Binary[17] block-84224 (partition size: 0xc0000)
[0001.262] I> Binary name: PSC_FW
[0001.265] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.269] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.273] I> strt_pg_num(84224) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x80ffe000)
[0001.280] I> BCH of PSC_FW read from storage
[0001.284] I> BCH address is : 0x80ffe000
[0001.287] I> PSC_FW header integrity check is success
[0001.292] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PFWP
[0001.297] I> component binary type is 17
[0001.301] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.305] I> strt_pg_num(84240) num_of_pgs(717) read_buf(0x80fa4600)
[0001.315] I> PSC_FW binary is read from storage
[0001.320] I> PSC_FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.325] I> Binary PSC_FW loaded successfully at 0x80fa4600 (0x59980)
[0001.332] I> Task: Load nvdec-fw
[0001.335] I> Slot: 1
[0001.337] I> Binary[7] block-69376 (partition size: 0x100000)
[0001.342] I> Binary name: NVDEC
[0001.345] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.349] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.353] I> strt_pg_num(69376) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x800fe000)
[0001.359] I> BCH of NVDEC read from storage
[0001.363] I> BCH address is : 0x800fe000
[0001.367] I> NVDEC header integrity check is success
[0001.372] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is NDEC
[0001.377] I> component binary type is 7
[0001.380] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.384] I> strt_pg_num(69392) num_of_pgs(560) read_buf(0x80000000)
[0001.394] I> NVDEC binary is read from storage
[0001.399] I> NVDEC binary integrity check is success
[0001.403] I> Binary NVDEC loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x46000)
[0001.410] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.421] I> Task: Load tsec-fw
[0001.424] I> TSEC-FW load support not enabled
[0001.428] I> Task: GPIO interrupt map
[0001.432] I> Task: SC7 context save
[0001.435] I> Slot: 1
[0001.437] I> Binary[27] block-0 (partition size: 0x100000)
[0001.443] I> Binary name: BR_BCT
[0001.446] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.450] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.454] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.458] I> strt_pg_num(0) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0xa0000000)
[0001.463] I> BR_BCT binary is read from storage
[0001.468] I> BR_BCT binary integrity check is success
[0001.473] I> Binary BR_BCT loaded successfully at 0xa0000000 (0x2000)
[0001.479] I> Slot: 1
[0001.481] I> Binary[13] block-86784 (partition size: 0x30000)
[0001.487] I> Binary name: SC7-FW
[0001.490] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.494] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.498] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.502] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.506] I> strt_pg_num(86784) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0xa0002000)
[0001.512] I> BCH of SC7-FW read from storage
[0001.516] I> BCH address is : 0xa0002000
[0001.520] I> SC7-FW header integrity check is success
[0001.525] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is WB0B
[0001.529] I> component binary type is 13
[0001.533] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.537] I> strt_pg_num(86800) num_of_pgs(347) read_buf(0xa0004000)
[0001.545] I> SC7-FW binary is read from storage
[0001.550] I> SC7-FW binary integrity check is success
[0001.555] I> Binary SC7-FW loaded successfully at 0xa0004000 (0x2b440)
[0001.561] I> Slot: 1
[0001.563] I> Binary[22] block-87168 (partition size: 0x30000)
[0001.569] I> Binary name: PSC_RF
[0001.572] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.576] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.580] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.584] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.588] I> strt_pg_num(87168) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0xa002f440)
[0001.594] I> BCH of PSC_RF read from storage
[0001.598] I> BCH address is : 0xa002f440
[0001.602] I> PSC_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.607] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is PSCR
[0001.612] I> component binary type is 22
[0001.615] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.619] I> strt_pg_num(87184) num_of_pgs(224) read_buf(0xa0031440)
[0001.627] I> PSC_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.631] I> PSC_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.636] I> Binary PSC_RF loaded successfully at 0xa0031440 (0x1be60)
[0001.646] I> Task: Save WP0 payload to SC7 ctx
[0001.650] I> Task: Load MB2rf binary to SC7 ctx
[0001.654] I> Slot: 1
[0001.656] I> Binary[14] block-87552 (partition size: 0x20000)
[0001.662] I> Binary name: MB2_RF
[0001.665] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.669] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.673] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.677] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.681] I> strt_pg_num(87552) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0xa00d6aa0)
[0001.687] I> BCH of MB2_RF read from storage
[0001.691] I> BCH address is : 0xa00d6aa0
[0001.695] I> MB2_RF header integrity check is success
[0001.700] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2R
[0001.705] I> component binary type is 14
[0001.708] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.712] I> strt_pg_num(87568) num_of_pgs(224) read_buf(0xa00d8aa0)
[0001.720] I> MB2_RF binary is read from storage
[0001.725] I> MB2_RF binary integrity check is success
[0001.729] I> Binary MB2_RF loaded successfully at 0xa00d8aa0 (0x1bfc0)
[0001.736] I> Task: Save fuse alias data to SC7 ctx
[0001.740] I> Task: Save PMIC data to SC7 ctx
[0001.745] I> Task: Save Pinmux data to SC7 ctx
[0001.749] I> Task: Save Pad Voltage data to SC7 ctx
[0001.754] I> Task: Save controller prod data to SC7 ctx
[0001.759] I> Task: Save prod cfg data to SC7 ctx
[0001.763] I> Task: Save I2C bus freq data to SC7 ctx
[0001.768] I> Task: Save SOCTherm data to SC7 ctx
[0001.772] I> Task: Save FMON data to SC7 ctx
[0001.776] I> Task: Save VMON data to SC7 ctx
[0001.781] I> Task: Save TZDRAM data to SC7 ctx
[0001.785] I> Task: Save GPIO int data to SC7 ctx
[0001.789] I> Task: Save clock data to SC7 ctx
[0001.794] I> Task: Save debug data to SC7 ctx
[0001.798] I> Task: Save MBWT data to SC7 ctx
[0001.806] I> SC7 context save done
[0001.809] I> Task: Load MB2/Applet/FSKP
[0001.813] I> Loading MB2
[0001.815] I> Slot: 1
[0001.817] I> Binary[6] block-71424 (partition size: 0x80000)
[0001.823] I> Binary name: MB2
[0001.825] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.829] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.833] I> strt_pg_num(71424) num_of_pgs(16) read_buf(0x8007e000)
[0001.840] I> BCH of MB2 read from storage
[0001.843] I> BCH address is : 0x8007e000
[0001.847] I> MB2 header integrity check is success
[0001.852] I> Binary magic in BCH component 0 is MB2B
[0001.857] I> component binary type is 6
[0001.860] I> Size of crypto header is 8192
[0001.864] I> strt_pg_num(71440) num_of_pgs(838) read_buf(0x80000000)
[0001.875] I> MB2 binary is read from storage
[0001.880] I> MB2 binary integrity check is success
[0001.885] I> Binary MB2 loaded successfully at 0x80000000 (0x68b10)
[0001.891] I> Task: Map CCPLEX SHARED carveout
[0001.895] I> Task: Prepare MB2 params
[0001.899] I> Task: Dram ecc test
[0001.902] I> Task: Misc NV security settings
[0001.906] I> NVDEC sticky bits programming done
[0001.911] I> Successfully powergated NVDEC
[0001.915] I> Task: Disable/Reload WDT
[0001.918] I> Task: Program misc carveouts
[0001.922] I> Program IPC carveouts
[0001.925] I> Task: Disable SCPM/POD reset
[0001.929] I> SLCG Global override status := 0x0
[0001.934] I> MB1: MSS reconfig completed
I> MB2 (version:
I> t234-A01-1-Silicon (0x12347)
I> Boot-mode : Coldboot
I> Emulation:
I> Entry timestamp: 0x001df9b6
I> Regular heap: [base:0x40040000, size:0x10000]
I> DMA heap: [base:0x470000000, size:0x800000]
I> Task: ARI update carveout TZDRAM (0x50002050)
I> Task: Check MC errors (0x5000204c)
I> Task: Enable hot-plug capability (0x500290f8)
I> Task: TZDRAM heap init (0x5001a0fc)
I> Task: PSC mailbox init (0x50018864)
I> Task: Crypto init (0x50006874)
I> Task: Enable GP-SE clock (0x500021b4)
I> Task: Measured Boot init (0x5001c04c)
I> Task: fTPM silicon identity init (0x5001c1f8)
I> fTPM is not enabled.
I> Task: OEM SC7 context save init (0x5001b598)
I> Task: I2C register (0x50002010)
I> Task: Map CCPLEX_INTERWORLD_SHMEM carveout (0x50001ff8)
I> Task: Program CBB PCIE AMAP regions (0x5001bcf8)
I> Task: Boot device init (0x50001f40)
I> Boot_device: QSPI_FLASH instance: 0
I> Qspi clock source : pllc_out0
I> QSPI-0l initialized successfully
I> Task: Partition Manager Init (0x50001f20)
I> Active chain: 1
I> Found 57 partitions in QSPI_FLASH (instance 0)
I> Task: Load and authenticate registered FWs (0x5001f064)
I> Task: Load AUXP FWs (0x50028c7c)
I> Successfully register SPE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping SCE FW load
I> Successfully register RCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Successfully register DCE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Unpowergating APE
I> Unpowergate done
I> Successfully register APE FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Skipping FSI FW load
I> Successfully register XUSB FW load task with MB2 loader
I> Active chain: 1
I> Partition name: B_spe-fw
I> Size of partition: 589824
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-118016 (partition size: 0x90000), name: B_spe-fw
I> Active chain: 1
I> Partition name: B_rce-fw
I> Size of partition: 1048576
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-119168 (partition size: 0x100000), name: B_rce-fw
I> spe: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary spe loaded successfully at 0x46f300000
I> Active chain: 1
I> Partition name: B_dce-fw
I> Size of partition: 5242880
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-107776 (partition size: 0x500000), name: B_dce-fw
I> rce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary rce loaded successfully at 0x46f000000
I> Successfully register RCE FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> dce : oem authentication of header done
I> dce : meta-blob integrity check is success.
I> dce : will be decompressed at 0x476000000
I> version 1 Bin 1 BCheckSum 0 content_size 0 Content ChkSum 1 reserved_00 0
I> Reserved10 0 BlockMaxSize 5 Reserved11 0
I> dce : decompressed to 9449600 bytes
I> dce: plain binary integrity check is success
I> Active chain: 1
I> Partition name: B_adsp-fw
I> Size of partition: 2097152
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-121216 (partition size: 0x200000), name: B_adsp-fw
I> dce: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary dce loaded successfully at 0x476000000
I> Active chain: 1
I> Partition name: B_xusb-fw
I> Size of partition: 262144
I> Binary@ device:3/0 block-72448 (partition size: 0x40000), name: B_xusb-fw
I> ape: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary ape loaded successfully at 0x46fc00000
I> Successfully register APE FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> xusb: Authentication Finalize Done
I> Binary xusb loaded successfully at 0x46f400000
I> Successfully register XUSB FW context save task with MB2 loader
I> Task: Check MC errors (0x5000204c)
I> Task: Carveout setup (0x500217e4)
I> Program remaining OEM carveouts
I> Task: Enable FSITHERM (0x50018738)
I> Task: Enable FSI VMON (0x50018234)
I> Task: Validate FSI Therm readings (0x50018318)
I> Task: Restore XUSB sec (0x50001ef4)
I> Task: Enable FSI SE clock (0x50018cc0)
I> Task: Initialize SBSA UART CAR (0x50002118)
I> Task: Initialize CPUBL Params (0x50019cac)
I> CPUBL-params @ 0x472000000
I> Task: Ratchet update (0x5002a194)
W> Skip ratchet update - OPTIN fuse not set
I> Task: Prepare eeprom data (0x50019a78)
E> I2C: slave not found in slaves.
E> I2C: Could not write 0 bytes to slave: 0x00ae with repeat start true.
E> I2C_DEV: Failed to send register address 0x00000000.
E> I2C_DEV: Could not read 256 registers of size 1 from slave 0xae at 0x00000000 via instance 0.
E> eeprom: Failed to read I2C slave device
C> Task 0x0 failed (err: 0x1f1e050d)
E> Top caller module: I2C_DEV, error module: I2C, reason: 0x0d, aux_info: 0x05
I> Busy Spin