orin nx Flash failure

writing item=17, 9:0:secondary_gpt, 61203267072, 16896, gpt_secondary_9_0.bin, 16896, fixed--0, 56a8c1cbd10b0f2ec0c9870cae66add475a6c62b
[ 101]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Successfully flash the external device
Erased 67108864 bytes from address 0x00000000 in flash
Flash index file is /mnt/internal/flash.idx
Number of lines is 61

Flash failure
Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.YngDpxVWRQ. You can access the target’s terminal through “sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2”
Cleaning up…

sudo cat /tmp/tmp.YngDpxVWRQ
showmount -e
Export list for ljx-VivoBook-ASUSLaptop-X570ZD-YX570ZD:
/home/ljx/3006/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs fc00:1:1::/48
/home/ljx/3006/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/kernel_flash/images fc00:1:1::/48
systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
● nfs-server.service - NFS server and services
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nfs-server.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /run/systemd/generator/nfs-server.service.d
Active: active (exited) since Thu 2024-09-19 07:45:19 CST; 9min ago
Process: 6846 ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/exportfs -r (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Process: 6847 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/rpc.nfsd (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 6847 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
CPU: 9ms

9月 19 07:45:18 ljx-VivoBook-ASUSLaptop-X570ZD-YX570ZD systemd[1]: Starting NFS server and services…
9月 19 07:45:19 ljx-VivoBook-ASUSLaptop-X570ZD-YX570ZD systemd[1]: Finished NFS server and services.
/dev/sda5: UUID=“03d190b1-bf45-4842-bbb1-e0d7088a05d9” BLOCK_SIZE=“4096” TYPE=“ext4” PARTUUID=“8bd4f4e2-21fe-4ef2-a187-e92ec0b64192”
/dev/loop1: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/nvme0n1p5: LABEL=“PBR_DRV” BLOCK_SIZE=“512” UUID=“BBB34FAFBBB34FAF” TYPE=“ntfs” PARTUUID=“3730eab6-add4-46fd-af9f-3d27e1b84414”
/dev/nvme0n1p3: LABEL=“LRS_ESP” UUID=“0033-4DB2” BLOCK_SIZE=“512” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“160aa618-dfe1-41c0-89c3-1d922129cc44”
/dev/nvme0n1p1: PARTUUID=“6f11296c-0bed-430b-9db8-b534c7620dbc”
/dev/nvme0n1p4: LABEL=“Windows” BLOCK_SIZE=“512” UUID=“D236AAAF36AA93CF” TYPE=“ntfs” PARTUUID=“bd7df8bd-2eae-455e-8ce8-541fc0dc3940”
/dev/nvme0n1p2: SEC_TYPE=“msdos” UUID=“09C1-B27D” BLOCK_SIZE=“512” TYPE=“vfat” PARTUUID=“96873fd6-1322-4cc8-b215-88b3a586088a”
/dev/loop6: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/loop4: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/loop2: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/loop0: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/loop7: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/sda4: UUID=“E5E4-F339” BLOCK_SIZE=“512” TYPE=“vfat” PARTLABEL=“EFI System Partition” PARTUUID=“a9bca475-fd57-4dbc-a549-acc89b97458c”
/dev/sda2: BLOCK_SIZE=“512” UUID=“65F33762C14D581B” TYPE=“ntfs” PARTLABEL=“Basic data partition” PARTUUID=“fca89f80-a65f-42fb-a71a-a3da6b655aab”
/dev/sda3: BLOCK_SIZE=“512” UUID=“346E6E3F6E6DF9CE” TYPE=“ntfs” PARTLABEL=“Basic data partition” PARTUUID=“89887e6b-471d-4777-b46f-bf6b226b2198”
/dev/sda1: BLOCK_SIZE=“512” UUID=“DA18EBFA09C1B27D” TYPE=“ntfs” PARTLABEL=“Basic data partition” PARTUUID=“26cdbc89-c758-4a31-9815-608d503aec3f”
/dev/loop5: TYPE=“squashfs”
/dev/loop3: TYPE=“squashfs”
df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
tmpfs 688M 2.1M 686M 1% /run
/dev/sda5 152G 39G 106G 27% /
tmpfs 3.4G 0 3.4G 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5.0M 4.0K 5.0M 1% /run/lock
efivarfs 128K 36K 88K 29% /sys/firmware/efi/efivars
/dev/nvme0n1p2 300M 33M 268M 11% /boot/efi
tmpfs 688M 112K 688M 1% /run/user/1000
Checking folder /home/ljx/3006/Linux_for_Tegra/rootfs
drwxr-xr-x 18 root root 4096 9月 18 17:40 rootfs
Checking folder /home/ljx/3006/Linux_for_Tegra/tools/kernel_flash/images
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 9月 18 20:14 images
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 19233 4月 25 11:06 l4t_create_images_for_kernel_flash.sh

36.3 bsp

您好 @user2245

欢迎访问 NVIDIA 开发者论坛。

[quote=“user2245, post:1, topic:25052, full:true”]
writing item=17, 9:0:secondary_gpt, 61203267072, 16896, gpt_secondary_9_0.bin, 16896, fixed–0, 56a8c1cbd10b0f2ec0c9870cae66add475a6c62b
[ 101]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Successfully flash the external device
Erased 67108864 bytes from address 0x00000000 in flash
Flash index file is /mnt/internal/flash.idx
Number of lines is 61

writing item=17, 9:0:secondary_gpt, 61203267072, 16896, gpt_secondary_9_0.bin, 16896, fixed–0, 56a8c1cbd10b0f2ec0c9870cae66add475a6c62b
[ 101]: l4t_flash_from_kernel: Successfully flash the external device
Erased 67108864 bytes from address 0x00000000 in flash
Flash index file is /mnt/internal/flash.idx
Number of lines is 61

Flash failure
Either the device cannot mount the NFS server on the host or a flash command has failed. Debug log saved to /tmp/tmp.YngDpxVWRQ. You can access the target’s terminal through “sshpass -p root ssh root@fc00:1:1:0::2”
Cleaning up…